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Are you a doctor questioning your medical career?

Wondering if medicine is still the right fit for you?

Torn between staying and looking into an alternative career? 

Not quite sure what to do or where to start?

My mission is to support doctors to work out what to do with their careers so that they can get back to enjoying life!

I get it, I’ve been there, and I would LOVE to help you to get from that place of energy-sapping uncertainty to a place of career fulfilment, because it really is possible and is a MUCH better place to be!

Do you...

  • Feel lost in your medical career?

  • Want to love your job but, truthfully, you just don’t?

  • Struggle to identify what you can change at work that will actually make a difference?

  • Wonder if you can really keep doing this for the rest of your working life?

  • Desperately want more work/life balance?

  • Find it difficult to talk to others because they don’t really get it?

  • Feel guilty as thoughts of leaving medicine crowd your head?

  • Want to make a change but keep talking yourself out of it?

Stressed Doctor

You are not alone!

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Contact me below for an informal chat...

I would recommend Sally to other providers who are looking to provide bespoke teaching and training on developing personal insight, resilience and confidence. Her insights and advice were extremely helpful to the GP fellows and there was a real enthusiasm for the content.


Supporting doctors to make life and career choices which put their wellbeing at the centre. 1:1 coaching and workshops. Coaching for Doctors, Are you a doctor questioning your medical career?, Doctor Coaching

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